Better Food, Better College Experience?

21 Jan

As college students, we are given the same piece of advice over and over again: “Enjoy the next four year. They’ll be the best of your life.” While I am in no way saying that this is false (because frankly college is pretty great), I’ve been thinking about what exactly makes college such an amazing “experience.” I decided that a very small amount of it had to do the academic aspect of college, but mostly comes from the ability to do whatever you want whenever you want, the abundance of new people to meet, and the way there is most likely alway a party to go to.

However, there was one thing that I failed to consider until reading this article on USA the food. According to studies conducted by The Daily Meal and The Daily Beast, there is a visible relationship between the universities with the best food  and the happiest schools in America.

Some schools that are ranked in both of these lists include Stanford (Food:31st  Happiness: 1st), Yale (Food: 21st Happiness: 3rd), and Bowdoin College (Food: 2 Happiness:10), among many others.

While I’m still not convinced that it is a direct correlation, I will admit that great food definitely has a magical way of brightening my day, and it has been proven that some foods can actually make you happy.

By making certain changes to your diet you can help make the “best four years of your life” a little better.

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