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The Ultimate College Grocery List

17 Jan

Lately, I have found myself really missing one thing about home… My pantry. Looking back I realized how often I took advantage of the fact that I constantly had unlimited access to whatever I was craving. Seriously, it was the Narnia of pantries. However, it is apparent that this magic was restricted to my house because the food supply I have at school pales in comparison.

Let’s face it; no matter how good your dining hall food may be it is essential to have food in your dorm. Whether it be that it’s way to hard to get yourself out of bed to walk all the way to the cafeteria, or you just really need some midnight munchies, it’s convenient to have something more than a pack of Skittles and some questionable milk in your fridge.

Now, the problem is: What to buy? “The most popular foods that college students buy are frozen dinners, cereal, and chips… and beer,” said Jessica Majors, manager of Albertson’s in San Luis Obispo. These foods may be good choices for conveniency (and parties) but they are not necessarily the healthiest picks. Some students have somewhat of an idea of what to buy, “I always have Easy Mac, peanut butter, bread, and popcorn in my room,” said Janelle Coccimiglio, a freshman at Cal Poly. However, many others don’t have the slightest idea of what they should have in their room, “I usually have some peanut butter, and that’s about it,” said Daniel Sweeny, freshman at Cal Poly. So, here’s a list to give you an idea of what types of food you may want to stock your room with.

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11 Jan

Welcome to “Freshman 15” Minute Meals, a blog all about making the most out of the notorious ‘dorm food.’ Whether the food offered  in your dining hall consists of Creme Brûlée and New York Steak or grayish mush that is questionable to even be considered as food, dorm meals become repetitive and are often very unhealthy resulting in the dreaded… FRESHMAN 15. Thematically, we are similar to the blogs Dormet, but differ in design in that we take a softer, more feminine approach, more similar to the blog Spread Your Wings. In content, we are also comparable to the blog Small Kitchen College, but aim to use simpler recipes that anyone can use, regardless of their culinary experience. Esthetically, we are taking a similar approach to the blogs Can’t Spell Flirt Without Fit and Life Lessons Loved, utilizing the same theme.

Hope you enjoy the blog and realize that a college diet doesn’t have to just consist of ramen, popcorn, Easy Mac, and cereal.

red-34137_640  –The Freshman 15 Team