Tag Archives: grilled cheese

Iron Board Grilled Cheese

7 Feb

photo-5This week is the first time I have experienced something that is very common among college freshman… Homesickness. Unlike many of the students in my dorm, the first quarter was a breeze for me. I never found myself missing home or my old friends because I was having such a great time at school. While I am still loving college, I can’t shake the constant feeling of sadness whenever I think about my hometown or pets and find in increasingly difficult to hold back tear every time I talk to my family.

While going home to ease the homesickness isn’t really an option right now, I thought that making some good ol’ fashion comfort food may do the trick.

“The food you eat can actually change the chemical composition of your brain. Carbohydrates like pasta and breads can trigger the release of serotonin which can actually make you feel happier and less stressed,”  Susan Greenwood, a psychologist specializing in eating disorders, from San Diego, CA, said.

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